Kerby community reaches out to Calgarians
Andrew McCutcheon
May 08, 2020
Over the days that made up the slow descent into self-isolation, social distancing and “essential work only” Kerby Centre may have closed its doors, but its essential work continues.
Look for the helpers in times of crisis
Andrew McCutcheon
May 06, 2020
Fred Rogers, of Mister Rogers and PBS fame, had important things to say about helpers.
Celebration in quarantine
Angie Friesen
May 05, 2020
This year my Birthday was unlike any other Birthday I have ever had. To be honest, I really didn’t k
I badly needed a job, in a well-heated office!
Jaroslav Maria
May 04, 2020
January 2020 was the fifty-first anniversary of my first and only employment interview for any job.
Lou Lamy and 1st Canadian Parachutes
Andrew Glen McCutcheon
Apr 07, 2020
Lucien “Lou” Lamy was born in northern Manitoba in 1925. He served in the 1st Canadian Parachute Bat
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