A Donation Makes a Difference
With Centres in Calgary, Medicine Hat and Online Programs, Unison is the go-to place for older adults — a vibrant, engaging hub of activity and diverse resources that help individuals and their families live their best lives. It’s our passion and purpose to create a space for older adults to join together in enriching experiences for the mind, body and spirit.
There are many reasons to give to Unison – to support programs and services that matter to you, to honour your loved ones, to leave a legacy for your community or to support vulnerable seniors during challenging times. Every donation is a gift from the heart and makes a meaningful difference for seniors.
Charitable #11897 9947 RR0001

Leave a
Lasting Legacy
Why write a Will?
Creating a Will, regardless of age or net worth, brings peace of mind. It ensures your assets go to the people and causes you care about most and relieves your loved ones of any unnecessary stress in your absence.
Have you considered including Kerby Centre or Veiner Centre in your Will to support seniors through Unison Programs and Services? A Legacy Gift, regardless of estate size, provides vital support for our community's seniors, ensuring your memory lives on.
Prioritize your loved ones, then consider Unison for lasting impact. Discuss your options with family and a financial advisor for added peace of mind.
A gift in your Will
Thank you for considering a gift in your Will to Unison (Kerby Centre/Veiner Centre). Every gift makes a huge difference, no matter how large or small.
Past gifts have made substantial impacts in the following ways:
- Provided safe shelter for older adults escaping abuse or homelessness.
- Offered grocery delivery and wellness checks for isolated seniors.
- Assisted with affordable housing options for older adults.
- Distributed free pre-made frozen meals to vulnerable seniors.
- Implemented health, wellness, education, and recreation programs for thousands of older adults citywide.
There are many Legacy Gift options:
- A bequest in a Will
- Gift in kind (art, cars, real estate)
- Publicly traded securities
- Life insurance
- Charitable annuity
Legacy Gifts benefit you in the following ways:
- They allow you to take advantage of significant tax benefits as part of your long-term financial and estate planning.
- Bequests preserve more of your assets for loved ones.
- They're easy to organize and have a big impact — with no expense to you during your lifetime.
Contact us by phone at 403-265-0661 and/or by email at HelloYYC@UnisonAlberta.com
Wording for your Will
Here is some sample wording to help you include a charitable gift in your Will.
You can name the residue of your estate or a specific gift or a percentage of the residue. The residue is what remains after taxes, administrative expenses and your heirs have received their specific gifts.
Sample wording: “I bequeath the residue of my estate (or _______% of the residue of my estate) to UNISON SOCIETY (UNISON AT Kerby Centre)
Another way is to name a specific amount.
Sample wording: “I give $_____________to support the work of
Legacy Giving
A Legacy Gift is a gift with lasting meaning. More and more Canadians are discovering estate planning as another way to give to their charities of choice. A Legacy Gift to Unison (Kerby Centre/Veiner Centre) is a gift with lasting meaning — a gift of time that will support future generations of seniors with the blessing of health and wellness when they need it most.
Sometimes comfort is the thing that seniors need most. A gift in your Will is one of the most significant and lasting contributions you can make to help provide for seniors.
A Legacy Gift gives you the opportunity to remember a loved one.
Memorial Gift
Honour someone special by making a donation in their memory. We’ll send the family or friend a card on your behalf recognizing your thoughtful gift.
Tribute Gift
Make a meaningful donation to honour a special person or occasion. We’ll send a card with your customized message to the person you dedicate your gift to.
Drop off non-perishable items or grocery store gift cards to reception at the Veiner Centre and Kerby Centre locations.
Other Donations
We are able to accept select donated goods; the following items will help seniors in your community:
- iPads or tablets
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) including reusable masks
- Money and dollar-value gift cards (which go directly to our Crisis Fund)
- New and gently used clothing for our Wise Owl clothing store
- Yarn and other knitting supplies
In Calgary call 403-265-0661 to donate or email JoyP@UnisonAlberta.com
In Medicine Hat call 403-525-8901 to donate or email CoriF@UnisonAlberta.com

Donate Your Used Vehicle
Are you looking for a quick and easy way to get rid of your used vehicle? Turn your well-loved or estate car into a charity car and donate it to Unison!
Old or new, running or not, Donate A Car will accept your vehicle for donation and even pick it up free of charge.