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Unison Bulletin Board

Kerby Family History Part 2
Feb 19, 2023

Last week, we dug into the history of George William Kerby, the namesake for the Kerby Building and what would later become the Kerby Centre.

Kerby Family History Part 1
Feb 12, 2023

We’re still on our weekly mission to answer the question: “what is Kerby Centre?” in honour of its 50th anniversary.

Robbie Burns Day
Feb 05, 2023

Unison’s Kerby Centre held a fantastic event for Robbie Burns day on January 25th. We celebrated the Scottish heritage with live entertainment, a delicious meal and lots of camaraderie for our guests

Jan 29, 2023

In 50 years of Kerby Centre, we have helped so many seniors through rough times and difficult issues.

Origins of the Centre
Jan 22, 2023

Kerby Centre is celebrating its 50th anniversary; five incredible decades of serving the seniors of Calgary.

Jan 15, 2023

John Gagnon is a well-known presence at the Kerby Centre.