Rising costs and rents
Oct 25, 2023
Last week CBC Radio called me and asked if I would interview how the housing crisis was affecting seniors.
The next 50 years
Sep 27, 2023
I was asked the other day, what is Kerby Centre going to do differently in our next 50 years of operation? To answer that I would have to look far down the road, but I can assure you that in our 50th
Active Aging Week at Unison at Kerby Centre
Sep 18, 2023
Spend National Active Aging Week with Unison at Kerby Centre! Celebrate positive aging and a healthy lifestyle by joining us on the first week of October for extraordinary events and FREE informationa
Let’s Stay Healthy This Winter!
Aug 11, 2023
Let’s conquer the cold season together! Join us for a FREE health workshop to discuss and cover topics such as flu protection, current viruses and general health and wellness.
Halfway through our 50th
Aug 01, 2023
As you are reading this, we are closer to the end of our 50th anniversary year than we are to the start of it. As with most of our previous 49 years, the 50th has been a particularly good year, and we
Embracing the snag
Jul 27, 2023
You may have noticed as you drive around the city that there are some sad-looking, seemingly barely alive, trees left standing along the boulevards. If you are like me, you may have wondered why limbs