Ukrainian historian finds safe harbour at U of A
Sep 29, 2022
On what seemed like a normal day in February 2022, Oleksandr (Alex) Melnyk’s mother woke him up at seven in the morning with terrifying news — the war had begun.
Preparing for the Kerby Expo
Aug 25, 2022
By the time this article goes to print our team should have finished working on the Kerby Centre Charity Classic — and we should be well on our way to planning our next event: the Seniors Expo.
The impact of inflation on seniors
Jul 27, 2022
This week I did an interview with the Business Editor at the Canadian Press, about the impact of inflation on seniors. Here at Veiner and Kerby Centre, we are very concerned about how inflation is aff
Wandering Through Butchart Gardens
Jul 13, 2022
As I get older I find myself enjoying flowers more than ever before. I’ve always had a penchant for peonies, but now I even enjoy the first tulips that start popping up in the spring, why is it I’ve n
Come play golf to support Kerby Centre
Jun 28, 2022
Our 2nd Annual Kerby Centre Charity Classic Golf Tournament is fast approaching and we’re really thrilled with all aspects of its planning.
Survivors tell their own stories — through photography
May 29, 2022
They say a photo is a thousand words; but are there enough words out there to truly depict the hardships and trauma associated with being a survivor of elder abuse?