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Unison Bulletin Board

Who are our Seniors?
Aug 20, 2023

One of the big things we had to do when we rebranded our organization to become Unison, Generations 50+ was to change a whole ton of signage.

One Hundred and Eleven Days
Aug 13, 2023

50 years of history is a long, long time.

Let’s Stay Healthy This Winter!
Aug 11, 2023

Let’s conquer the cold season together! Join us for a FREE health workshop to discuss and cover topics such as flu protection, current viruses and general health and wellness.

Kerby Centre Timeline
Aug 06, 2023

For everyone of our major milestones, the Kerby Centre and Kerby News has put together a massive timeline of the biggest and most important historical events that have occurred, every single year we’v

Halfway through our 50th
Aug 01, 2023

As you are reading this, we are closer to the end of our 50th anniversary year than we are to the start of it. As with most of our previous 49 years, the 50th has been a particularly good year, and we

Cribbage Tournament
Jul 30, 2023

Kerby Centre has hosted an overwhelming number of programs and events in it’s 50-year history.