A breath of spring
Mar 03, 2025
I stood at my window the other night and watched the fog roll in. It was thick and it soon enveloped the houses and trees across the street from me. Soon enough, they were barely visible. I decided th
The comfort of canine love
Feb 04, 2025
Dogs. This word alone has the power to evoke cherished memories for some of us. History tells us that dogs came into our lives about fifteen thousand years ago. In some far off land and time long forg
Sounds along the railway track
Dec 18, 2021
Like so many Canadians, I watched with horror as the weather-related disaster unfolded in British Columbia. They called it an Atmospheric River. This term is new to me but I came to understand very qu
The music of my generation
Jun 01, 2021
Recently during one of PBS’s pledge drives, they featured one of my very favourite performers: Perry Como. As I sat watching and enjoying the music a feeling of nostalgia came over me. I fell in love
New year, old resolutions
Jan 05, 2021
Here I go again: another new year but same old resolutions. It’s time to clean house and get rid of things I have hung on to for far too long. It’s time to reduce the clothes in my closet, things I ha
Our most precious water
Aug 10, 2020
Water, without a doubt, is the most important element on our planet. It is transparent, has no taste and is made up of the most abundant elements in our universe. Two Hydrogen molecules and one Oxygen