I stood at my window the other night and watched the fog roll in. It was thick and it soon enveloped the houses and trees across the street from me. Soon enough, they were barely visible. I decided that this certainly would not be a good night to be driving or trying to land a plane. It felt good to be home. I rolled down my blinds and went to bed.
The next morning when I opened the blinds, my eyes beheld a beautiful postcard winter scene. The fog had miraculously transformed the trees and dressed them in a delicate glistening lacy white coat. There was just a slight breeze stirring the trees and they began slowly to shed their lacy coats. It was beautiful, but also cold, and as lovely the scene in front of me was, I longed for spring.
Spring is not far away now so I will just have to be patient.
Spring is a wonderful time of the year, full of the promise of beautiful things to come. It is as if the world takes a deep breath, yawns, then gently coaxes itself awake from winter slumber. Gradually, green begins to seep into the grass, and the crocuses and tulips poke through the remaining patches of snow in the garden. Soon the trees join the celebration, bursting their buds, allowing their tiny leaves to emerge. These delicate baby leaves are a soft yellow-green and they timidly reach out towards the life-giving rays of the sun.
At the same time, the fruit trees cover themselves in white or pink blossoms, begging any passing bee to drink their nectar. The lilac bushes are also stirring and almost overnight, their branches are laden with pink, white, and lilac flowers. The birds are also making a comeback. Snow geese are among the first birds to arrive, followed by others who have escaped the cold. In the countryside, ducks and geese are already building their nests and laying eggs, and in the city, it is always a happy day when the first robins appear.
The hummingbirds are also making their way home although it will take them many more weeks to get here. I have a friend who keeps track of their progress online. In preparation of their arrival, she has already washed and cleaned her bird feeder and will soon add sugar water for them to drink. They will be exhausted from their long journey, and they have learned that her place always has a plentiful source of nourishing and refreshing sweet water to drink.
Farmers busy themselves planting crops, looking forward to the harvest. At the same time, they are helping the cows, nanny goats and ewes welcome their new arrivals. Soon the fields are overflowing with the bleat of lambs, bouncing and energetic kids, and calves. In some paddocks, there are exuberant foals, jumping and kicking with obvious joy of the freedom that the open air brings.
People are also happier as they work in their gardens and ready the soil for planting. It does not matter if the garden is filled with vegetables or flowers, just being outside and getting your fingers dirty is invigorating. Some recently-purchased flowers, in their pots, stand in a neat row waiting for their turn to be placed into the soil. The soil is colder than they are used to so they shiver a little as they are placed into their permanent home. In a few days they will be used to their new surroundings and will spread their roots to help secure themselves against the wind or rain that will surely come. By the end of spring, seeds that were planted have pushed through the soil and are growing at a breakneck speed, knowing that in this part of the world, the growing season is short.
The flowers are in full bloom and the profusion of colour coming from front yards puts a smile on people’s faces. Easter is almost at the end of spring, and by then the days have become longer, and the sun’s power is stronger. It is time for long drives in the countryside, maybe go on picnics and certainly take long walks in one of our many parks.
As spring moves closer to summer, school children are getting fidgety in their classes. They know that holidays are almost here. Soon, schoolbooks will be cast aside for bicycle rides, visiting the zoo, and swimming lessons in outside pools. It is time to enjoy all the abundance that is around them, all this bounty that was first promised by the breath of spring.