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Getting active and staying fit

Helping folks live their best lives is a focus at the Veiner and Kerby Centres throughout the year. 
Helping older adults remain fit and active is important to us. Active Aging Week is an opportunity to introduce some new ways to become active, in addition to some tried and true methods. 

Active Aging Week is held annually on the first Monday in October. The dates were chosen to coincide as close as the calendar permits to October 1, the International Day of Older Persons. In 2024, Active Aging Week will be held September 30 - October 6.

This week will be an opportunity for us to both celebrate active aging but also give us a great chance to promote some programs and activities that will help you live your best life. 
American educator G. Stanley once said: ‘People do not cease playing because they grow old, but they grow old because they cease playing.’  

The first week of October we hope to provide you with some interesting ways to keep playing! 
In Veiner Centre our old standbys: Solid Gold Fitness, Silver Steppers and Hatha Yoga.

And at Kerby Centre: Functional Fitness, Zumba and Seated Yoga are our go-to programs to keep you fit and moving. Of course, these programs will continue to operate and will be featured but in October you will have opportunities to try something brand new! 

A few weeks ago, I heard that Cornhole is becoming the fastest-growing sport and challenging Pickleball in popularity. In Medicine Hat, we are launching a 4-week Introduction to Cornhole so you can get in on this growing sport yourself. 

And In Calgary on October 1st, we are taking members to the Calgary Shooting Centre and on October 4th we will be holding “Cricket for Seniors — Hit a Six.” 

For all of these activities, you don’t need to have any experience; our instructors are ready to make this fun for you, whatever level you’re at. 

While I have you, I should mention that our Active Aging team is working on expanding our offerings of online fitness and wellness programs you can sign up for free participation if you are a member at Veiner or Kerby Centre. 

These classes are also about helping you to live your best life, but they are also one of the ways we are offering more member benefits to those of you who enjoy the in-person classes and activities at Veiner and Kerby 

You can find more information about these programs and all the others mentioned above on our website and in Unison news.