No one likes change, and yet, we always persist.
It feels weird to me, too, to be honest.
I’ve had to go through this paper with a fine tooth comb, changing every instance of “Kerby News” to “Unison News” but honestly, other than that? This is the same paper we’ve always put out, every single month. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, so said William Shakespheare. But why bother changing the name?
We’ve had that question asked a lot. We’re by no means giving up on the Kerby Centre name.
But! Our little-paper-that-can is much wider read than just the fine members and clients of the Unison Kerby Centre. We put out over 30,000 copies every single month. Full of great articles on a variety of topics: memoirs, travel, recreation, science, opinion. And we have a 95 per cent pick-up rate! That’s absolutely bonkers to me, in 2024, that we can manage that. And so, in the spirit of a New Year, we’ve got a fresh new name to reflect that we’re wider read than ever before.
That said, I am by no means a believer than all change is good. I know our new name is exciting and I have only utter faith that folks will continue to love us. But another recent change, I have heard your feedback on! Sudoku’s! Here I thought, how many people really enjoy the Sudoku every month? With us pressed for space in every issue, I thought, no matter: no one will miss it.
Never let it be said that I don’t admit when I’m wrong. Lots of folks talked to me about the Sudoku, how much they enjoy it and how much they want to see it back. So while it may be missing from this, our January 2024 issue, you’ll see it back in February.