
Every dollar helps!

Written by Andrew Glen McCutcheon | Jul 2, 2024 6:22:39 PM

I want you to imagine how important a single meal is when you’re hungry.

We’ve all been hungry, but can you imagine what hunger feels like when you don’t know where your next meal is coming from?

Can you imagine what hunger feels like when you’re stuck at home, unable to get out and buy groceries or afford delivery?

Imagine how wonderful it must feel when you finally get just a single meal. A hot meal that satisfies your hunger, the relief of knowing you have a full cupboard, even for just a few days more.

That one, single meal would be incredible, right?

Last year, we delivered 15,400 meals in Calgary. We had 12,874 food market participants, where we had the chance to give a bag of much-needed groceries to those living with food insecurity.

We also delivered over 30,000 meals in Medicine Hat, through Meals on Wheels: about 2,500 meals a month.

That singular, vital relief that one meal provided? Multiplied by thousands. Tens of thousands. That’s what we accomplished.

Here’s another example. Imagine being stuck at home. Unable to get groceries, see your friends, or go to church. Day after day, trapped because every distance is too difficult to walk, and all you want to do is get back to enjoying life.

And a friendly face with an extra seat offers you a ride: a ride that’s safe, reliable and accessible.

Veiner Vintage Transport in Medicine Hat? They provided an average of 30 rides a month in 2023.

This program means — every single day — an isolated senior was given the chance to get back into the world.

We’re only able to do all these incredible things — and more — with your help.

Every single dollar donated goes towards another meal, another reliable trip for a deserving senior.